Privacy Policy

Last updated: December 21, 2023.

5.1. In Emails and Contact Forms

The Service's website has TLS encryption, allowing users to securely send personal data through standard contact forms.

The collected personal data will be subject to automated processing and included in the corresponding files of the treatment activities register owned by Tripresale.

In this regard:

Regarding the communication methods used:

On the other hand, certain services provided through the website (e.g., the possibility of participating in a promotional code contest or draw) may have particular conditions regarding the protection of personal data. You will need to accept them before participating in those services.

5.2. On Social Media

Tripresale has profiles on some of the major social networks, being responsible for processing data published on them (e.g., photos uploaded by Tripresale featuring people's faces).

The processing Tripresale will carry out with the data within each of these networks will be, at most, what the social network allows for corporate profiles. Therefore, Tripresale may inform our followers, through any means allowed by the social network when the law does not prohibit it, about our products or offers, as well as providing a personalized customer service.

In no case will Tripresale extract data from social networks unless the user expressly consents to it.

5.3. In Contests

When participating in promotional actions exclusively organized by Tripresale, the data you provide will only be processed by us for the purpose stated in the action's statement and its corresponding legal conditions.